Välkommen till Matematica
Stefan Rudbäck, civ ing (M Sc)
+46 708387910
Utvecklar och implementerar mjukvara för mät-applikationer.
1. Processline flödes engineering mjukvara.
2. Matematica.Lib flow/energy computer mjukvara för industrin,
som kraftverk och gas/olje-industrin. Baserad på DPNS tech.
3. Designar och implementerar energibesparingssystem i fastigheter. Baseras på Free Heat tech filosofin.
4. Konsulting.
1. Processline
Engineering mjukvara för flöden i rör.
1. Design av dp-flödesmätare som strypflänsar/venturis/dysor.
2. Varnar för kritiskt flöde i en restriktion.
3. Optimal design av flödesmätare.
Tag gärna en titt på huvud-UI'n till höger!
2. Matematica.Lib flow computer
Ex 1; Beräkning av flöde genom en strypfläns/venturi/dysa....
Ex 2; Beräkning av effekt på ett kraftverk.
Ex 3; Beräkning av naturgas (GNG) flöde genom en pipeline med 0,1% osäkerhet.
3. Free heat tech
Optimal implementering av värmepumpar i byggnader
More examples of products;
- Processline engineering software för flow in tubes
Calculation of flow measurement, pressure loss, valves, thermodynamics
& energy, can be handled based on best possible scientific standards and tables
-Matematica.LIb online software;
Ex 1; Calculation of flow threw orifice plate, venturi and nozzle flowmeters.
Ex 2; Calculation of power production in power plants.
Ex 3; Calculation of natural gas flow threw a pipeline with 0,1% uncertainty.
Ex of medias handled by Processline/Matematica.lib;
(O2/Ar/N2...,steam, water, natural gas/GNG/Bio gas/Erdgas).
-Free Heat tech
reduces energy consumptions in buildings typical >75%
Marketleading engineering software for flow in tubes.
Ex; Design (including codegeneration for controlsystems) of
standardized dp-flowmeters,like orifice plates,venturis,V-cones and nozzles. Can reduce measurement and calculation error from 10 to<1%.
-Flow/energy hard and soft-computers
Can be delivered as;
1. Hardware; based on ABB or Siemens CPU
2. Software; Deloivered on a CD to be implemented in customer ABB or Siemens CPU.
Ex; Calculates natural gas mass/energy flow with Matematica's;
1. dpns (typical <0,4% unc) technology or
2. hp (<0,7%) technology .
A function block library for standardized controlsystem (IEC 61131),
like ABB industrial IT and Siemens PCS 7, with scientific accuracy and general applicability.
-dpns*-technology improves accuracy, reliability and safety in plants.
Ex: Can be used for power calculation of an industrial boiler with a total
calculation uncertainty < 0,5% (much better than typical 5% for a linear